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•   Renee Richmond (Richmond)  12/21
•   Lise Wettlaufer (Orr)  7/8
•   Nicole Hoffman (Hoffman)  7/8
•   Joel Isanhart  7/8
•   Kerry Frankland  7/7
•   Jeffrey Bos  7/7
•   Suzy Hall  7/6
•   Debra Young (Brown)  7/6
•   Ceora Hoxsey (Derow)  6/30
•   Courtney Hart (Vander Galien)  6/30
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•   Angy Lin (Liu)  2/8
•   Liz Ammann (Peacock)  2/9
•   Gabriella Fiore  2/9
•   Bradley Holmes  2/9
•   Erin Black (Jason & Erin)  2/10
•   Jessica Lutz (Hurd)  2/11
•   Paul Mills  2/11
•   Lauren Zapala (Isanhart)  2/11
•   Amy Elbers (Baker)  2/13
•   Kristina Holden (Brandstatter)  2/13
•   Delbert Chaplin  2/16
•   Courtney Hart (Vander Galien)  2/16
•   Heather Nicklesen (Donahue)  2/19
•   Doug Rothert  2/19
•   Daniel Roper  3/1
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 71.2%

A:   245   Joined
B:   99   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
24 live in California
5 live in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
10 live in Florida
14 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
19 live in Illinois
6 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
2 live in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
114 live in Michigan
7 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
3 live in Nevada
9 live in New York
5 live in North Carolina
6 live in Ohio
4 live in Oregon
3 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in South Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
4 live in Virginia
8 live in Washington
5 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Brazil
1 lives in Dominican Republic
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in New Zealand
3 live in Sweden
1 lives in Switzerland
2 live in United Kingdom
40 location unknown

East Lansing High School
Class Of 1988

Welcome to the East Lansing High School class of 1988 web site.

This is our private website for our class members only.  If you are new to this site please complete your personal profile.  It is very important that you include your address, phone number and correct email address so we can contact you with important class related information such as our upcoming reunions.  You can choose if you want to share your information with the rest of the class or not.  We encourage you to add photos to your profile, and other stories about your life (like facebook).  This site has no advertising and is funded by you, our members.  Your information is never released to advertisers (you won't get spam). 


35th Reunion

Our 35th reunion will be celebrated July 7th and 8th of 2023.  We are looking foward to another great reunion in East lansing.  Come catch up with your classmates, enjoy your home town and see all the changes!  Click the link to the left for details and to register.  

30 Year Class Reunion

The ELHS Class of 1988 30th Reunion will take place the weekend of June 29-30, 2018. An informal night will take place on Friday, June 29 at Beggars Banquet in East Lansing in a private room from 6-10 pm. The official event will be Saturday night, June 30 at the University Club Ball Room from 6-11 pm.

Please see the link to the left for details for this event and to register.

Please, make sure your profile at has up to date information. 

--The Reunion Committee


25 Year Class Reunion

Our 25 year Class Reunion took place June 28-29th 2013 in East Lansing.  We had more than 75 classmates attend (plus their guests).  It was a wonderful time.  Thank you to all that attended.


Our class now has a group on facebook.  Check it out at:!/groups/233888946728746/.

"Then and Now" Yearbook

Join the "Then and Now" Yearbook Project! What have you been up to?  We would like to gather pictures of our classmates for all to enjoy.  We hope to create a compilation of pictures from our graduating class spanning the last 25 years, but we need your help!  We need EVERYONE to submit your pictures, past and present, as well as pictures of your family to this central web site:

We will use the pictures to make a slideshow to be shown at our reunion.  We will also share some of the pictures on this site and everyone can use that site to view pictures from our class events and even download pictures or buy prints.  See the "Yearbook 'Then and Now'" tab to the left for more information.


If you are a member of the ELHS Class of 1988 it is essential that you update your profile on this website.  Please include at least your email address and mailing address.  We will be using this information for future contact with you regarding all of our class events including the all future class reunions. 

I also encourage you to have some fun and include some personal information about yourself, your family and to include a picture so your classmates can find out more about what you have been up to during the last 20 years.

The ELHS "Official" Alumni website is now up and running.  You can access the full alumni directory (from all classes) there, and can post messages.  Check it out at:


The 20 year reunion was in East Lansing on July 12th, 2008. The event was a huge success. From the Family friendly picnic at Patriarch Park to the reunion at Harper's Bar, fun was had by all. Pictures, and video slide shows from the event are now available to view from the pop out link on the "20 Year Reunion" link to the left...

Missing Classmates

Please add the e-mail addresses in the space to the right for everyone you know from our class to make sure that everyone is included in this site, and to make sure everyone in informed of events related to our class.

Your Senior Pictures!


ELHS Endowment Foundation

Are you interested in giving back to the school that helped you become the person that you are today?  If you are interested in more information  go to the Endowment Campaign for East Lansing Public Schools.

Revision History
Below are lists of the most recent revisions, additions, and changes made to this website.  If you have any suggestions or corrections please email me at

Revisions have occurred on a nearly weakly basis since March of 2013 in preparation for our upcoming reunion.  Too many to list...
Revised 2/4/2013.  Reordered menu items. Fixed the "Reunion Pictures" tab, renamed it and made it a sub-menu of the 20 year reunion tab.  Fixed Photos and music tab and made it a sub-menu of the "20 Year Reunion" tab.  Fixed the Flickr account and reactivated links, Added the Mock Award tab as sub-menu for 25 year reunion. "Chat Room" tab removed (it wasn't working).  "Yearbook 1988-2008" tab deactivated.  Activated Premium content, Activated instant Chat and messaging system.  Activated hit counter.  Emailed the entire class, Added a link from the facebook group.  Modified "announcements" on the home page to remove outdated information.
Revised 1-29-2013.  Info on 25 year reunion and facebook group added.  Attending 20 year reunion icon removed from profiles.
Revised 11-5-2010.  Link and announcement posted for ELHS alumni website.
Revised 12-7-2008.  Removed election poll.  Added "Who's Online" box.  Removed "where are they now" box.
Revised 11-2-2008.  Changed the theme to 80's theme.  Added 1988 History/video page.
Revised 9-26-08.  1) Added birthday reminder to home page.  2) Added events in history to home page.  3) Changed the design of the entire website.  4) Fixed a typo. 5) Alumni directory info changed.
Revised 9-6-08.  1) Now having access to the ELHS Alumni Directory I was able to add 33 names to our class list and make several spelling corrections to names.  The previous list was derived from the yearbook and therefore anyone that did not have their picture printed in the yearbook was left out.  The High School was unable to provide a complete class list until now.  2) The 25 Year Survey tab was renamed "Reunion Survey."

Visit counter: 163,988