20-Year Reunion
July 12, 2008
Check out the Pictures from the reunion slideshow and view the slideshow itself by clicking here.
Reunion pictures are now uploaded! Check them out at Flickr.
Check out the Photo Slideshows tab to see the pictures from the reunion.
Family picnic and fun for all at Patriarch Park from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. (food and drink provided)
Harpers restaurant in East Lansing at 7:00 - Midnite for an adult gathering (food provided)
Nicole Glazier Brillantes
5369 Burcham Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48823
For more information contact Nicole Brillantes - 517-449-8819 or brillantes.nicole@courtone.com
ELHS 20 Year Reunion Mock Awards
Mock Awards were voted on by you and your classmates during the noontime Picnic and announced during the reunion in the evening. Here are your results…
Most Successful............................................ Paraj Mandrekar
Most Traveled................................................. Nicole Hoffman
Has the Most Children............................. Anna Bromley (5 kids)
Mrs. Hasn't Aged a Bit........................................ Blythe Morris
Mr. Hasn't Aged a Bit.................................... Brian Branstatter
Most Famous..................................................... Todd Martin
Changed Careers Most........................................ Joel Szilvagyi
Moved the Most.............................................. Nicole Hoffman
Lives Farthest from EL..................... Tracy Hoenninger (London)
(Actually David Pierson lives in New Zealand)
Lives Closest to EL......................................... Kevin Fitzgerald
Still the Class Clown................................................ Paul Mills
Still the Class Cheerleader...................... Nicole Glazier Brillantes
Still the Class Educator........................................... Dan Roper
Still Living in the 80's............................................ Dan Kessler